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This module contains abstractions for various operating system resource handles.

import posix

  let fd ="test.txt", O_RDWR or O_CREAT)
  assert fd != -1, "opening file failed"
  let handle = initHandle(fd.FD)
  # The handle will be closed automatically once the scope ends


AnyFD = FD or SocketFD
A typeclass representing any OS resource handles. Source   Edit  
FD = distinct FDImpl
The type of the OS resource handle provided by the operating system. Source   Edit  
Handle[T] = object
  ## The file descriptor mapped to a different range that
  ## is invalid when zero-ed.
An object used to associate a handle with a lifetime. Source   Edit  
SocketFD = distinct FD
The type of the OS resource handle used for network sockets. Source   Edit  


InvalidFD = -1
An invalid resource handle. Source   Edit  


func `==`(a, b: FD): bool {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Equivalence operator for FD Source   Edit  
func `==`(a, b: SocketFD): bool {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Equivalence operator for SocketFD Source   Edit  
func `==`(a: AnyFD; b: typeof(InvalidFD)): bool {.inline.}
Equivalence operator for comparing any file descriptor with InvalidFD. Source   Edit  
func `==`(a: typeof(InvalidFD); b: AnyFD): bool {.inline.}
Equivalence operator for comparing any file descriptor with InvalidFD. Source   Edit  
proc `=copy`[T](dest: var Handle[T]; src: Handle[T]) {.error.}
Copying a file handle is forbidden. Either a ref Handle should be used or duplicate should be used to make a handle refering to the same resource. Source   Edit  
proc close(fd: AnyFD)

Closes the resource handle fd.

If the passed resource handle is not valid, ClosedHandleDefect will be raised.

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proc close[T](h: var Handle[T]) {.inline.}

Close the handle owned by h and invalidating it.

If h is invalid, ClosedHandleDefect will be raised.

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func fd[T](h: Handle[T]): T {.inline.}

Returns the resource handle held by h.

The returned handle will stay valid for the duration of h.

Note: Do not close the returned handle. If ownership is wanted, use takeFd instead.

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proc initHandle[T](fd: T): Handle[T] {.inline.}
Creates a Handle owning the passed fd. The fd shall then be freed automatically when the Handle go out of scope. Source   Edit  
proc newHandle[T](fd: T): ref Handle[T] {.inline.}
Creates a ref Handle owning the passed fd. The fd shall then be freed automatically when the returned ref Handle[T] is collected by the GC. Source   Edit  
proc setBlocking(fd: AnyFD; blocking: bool)
Controls the blocking state of fd, only available on POSIX systems. Source   Edit  
proc setInheritable(fd: AnyFD; inheritable: bool)
Controls whether fd can be inherited by a child process. Source   Edit  
func takeFd[T](h: var Handle[T]): T {.inline.}
Returns the resource handle held by h and release ownership to the caller. h will then be invalidated. Source   Edit  


template raiseClosedHandleDefect()

Raises a Defect for closing an invalid/closed handle.

Calling close() on an invalid/closed handle is extremely dangerous, as the handle could have been re-used by the operating system for an another resource requested by the application.

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